Sunday, May 29, 2011

PayPal – – Google Checkout

For e-commerce website: PayPal – – Google Checkout

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Connection String Reference

The Connection String Reference: Very convenient for use.

ADO Connection String Samples

Character Coding Schemes


PHP class to do paging

This code can be easily ported to other languages. Note that the database used here is MSSQL, it has a paging function starting from version 2005 [1][2]. In MySQL, this can be achieved using 'Limit'.

<h1>Test Paging</h1>
// General variables for navBar.
$paging = new PagingClass( getService('getDataCount', array()), $_REQUEST['pg'] );

// Get data according to range.
$data = getService('getData', array('RangeStart' => $paging->getStart(), 'RangeEnd' => $paging->getEnd()));

// Output navBar and data.
print $paging->writeNavBar();
print Service2Table($data);
print $paging->writeNavBar();


// @Author: HomeTom
// @Date: 5/26/2011
class PagingClass {

private $pageSize;
private $pageButtonCount;
private $totalCount;
private $pageCount;
private $currentPage;
private $BaseUrl;

// Parameters:
// $totalCount: Total number of rows/records.
// $curPage: Current page index (usually passed as request parameter).
// Preassumption: No parameter uses the name "pg", which is used for paging.
public function __construct($totalCount, $curPage) {
$this->pageSize = 3; // Default page size.
$this->pageButtonCount = 4; // Default number of paging buttons.

$this->totalCount = $totalCount;
$this->pageCount = ceil($totalCount / $this->pageSize);

$this->currentPage = $curPage;
if ($this->currentPage == "") { $this->currentPage = 1; }
else if ($this->currentPage < 0) { $this->currentPage = 0; }
else if ($this->currentPage >= $this->pageCount) { $this->currentPage = $this->pageCount - 1; }

// Base URL used by page links. Page parameter should be at the end. E.g. "index.php?pg="
$baseUrl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
if (preg_match("#pg=[0-9]*$#", $baseUrl) > 0) {
$this->BaseUrl = preg_replace("#pg=[0-9]*$#", "", $baseUrl) . "pg=";
} else if ( empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ) {
$this->BaseUrl = $baseUrl . "pg=";
} else {
$this->BaseUrl = $baseUrl . "&pg=";

// Get start and end row/record number in current page.
public function getStart() { return $this->currentPage * $this->pageSize + 1; }
public function getEnd() { return (1 + $this->currentPage) * $this->pageSize; }

// Parameters:
// $PageCount: Total number of pages.
// $CurrentPageIndex: Current page index.
// $PageButtonCount: Number of page buttons to show on one page.
public function writeNavBar() {
$PageCount = $this->pageCount;
$CurrentPageIndex = $this->currentPage;
$PageButtonCount = $this->pageButtonCount;
$baseUrl = $this->BaseUrl; //"index.php?pg=";

$DEBUG = 0;
$lblNext = "Next";
$lblPrev = "Prev";
$lblFirst = "First";
$lblLast = "Last";

$s = "";

if ($DEBUG) {
print "pagecount: $PageCount, currentPageIndex: $CurrentPageIndex, ";
print "PageButtonCount: $PageButtonCount<br>";

$startPage = (floor(($CurrentPageIndex)/$PageButtonCount) * $PageButtonCount);
if ($DEBUG) print "startpage = $startPage<br>";

$tmp = $PageCount - $PageButtonCount;
if ($tmp > 0 && $tmp < $startPage) { $startPage = $tmp; }

// First.
if ($CurrentPageIndex == 0) { $s .= $lblFirst . " "; }
else { $s .= "<a href=\"" . $baseUrl . "0\">" . $lblFirst . "</a> "; }

// Prev.
if ($CurrentPageIndex == 0) { $s .= $lblPrev . " "; }
$j = $CurrentPageIndex - 1;
$s .= "<a href=\"" . $baseUrl . $j . "\">" . $lblPrev . "</a> ";

// ...
if ($startPage > 0) { $s .= "<a href=\"" . $baseUrl . ($startPage - 1) . "\">...</a> "; }

for ($i = 0; $i < $PageCount; $i ++) {
if ($i < $startPage || $i >= $startPage + $PageButtonCount) { continue; }
if ($i == $CurrentPageIndex) { $s .= " " . (1 + $i); }
else { $s .= " <a href='" . $baseUrl . $i . "'>". (1 + $i) . "</a>"; }

// ...
if ($startPage + $PageButtonCount <= $PageCount - 1) {
$j = $PageButtonCount + $startPage;
$s .= " <a href=\"" . $baseUrl . $j . "\">...</a> ";

// Next.
if ($CurrentPageIndex >= $PageCount - 1) { $s .= " " . $lblNext; }
$j = $CurrentPageIndex + 1;
$s .= " <a href=\"" . $baseUrl . $j . "\">" . $lblNext . "</a>";

// Last.
if ($CurrentPageIndex >= $PageCount - 1) { $s .= " " . $lblLast; }
else { $s .= " <a href=\"" . $baseUrl . ($PageCount - 1) . "\">" . $lblLast . "</a>"; }

return $s;

// This function retrieves a web service return result.
// Parameters:
// $func: Name of the web service function.
// $params: Array of parameters used by this function.
function getService($func, $params) {
try {
$url = "http://localhost/test/TestService.asmx?WSDL";
$client = new SoapClient($url);
$result = $client->$func($params);
//reset($result); // 'reset' sets the array pointer to the start of the array.
// 'each' gets the current key/value pair into a separate array.
list($key, $val) = each($result);
//print $key . ": " . $val . "<br>";
return $val;
} catch (Exception $e) {
die ("<br><font color='red'>getService() error: " . $e->getMessage() . "</font><br>");

// This function converts web service return result into a table.
// rows are delimited by '\n',
// cols are delimited by '\t'.
// explode() v.s. split():
// Biggest difference is explode() takes a delimiter to split by,
// while split() takes a regular expression. explode is faster.
function Service2Table($val) {
$row_delimiter = "\n";
$col_delimiter = "\t";
$DEBUG = 0;

$v = "";
$v_row = "";
$rows = explode($row_delimiter, $val);
$row_count = count($rows);
if ($DEBUG) print "<br>row count: " . $row_count . "<br>";
for ($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i ++) {
$s = $rows[$i];
if ($s != "") {
if ($DEBUG) print "$i. $s<br>";
$cols = explode($col_delimiter, $s);
$col_count = count($cols);
$v_row = "";
for ($j = 0; $j < $col_count; $j ++) {
$v_row .= "<td>" . $cols[$j] . " </td>";
$v .= "<tr>$v_row</tr>";
$v = "<table border=1>$v</table>";
return $v;



On server side, the web service function (in C#) looks like this:

public string getData(int RangeStart, int RangeEnd) {
string row_delimiter = "\n";
string col_delimiter = "\t";

string s = "";

string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LocalDB"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
string sql = @"with TmpDataTable AS
SELECT * FROM TmpDataTable WHERE RowNum between " + RangeStart + " and " + RangeEnd;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

int fieldCount = sdr.VisibleFieldCount;

// get column names.
s = sdr.GetName(0);
for (int i = 1; i < fieldCount; i++)
s += col_delimiter + formatStr(sdr.GetName(i));
s += row_delimiter;

if (sdr.HasRows) {
// get column values.
while (sdr.Read()) {
s += sdr[0];
for (int i = 1; i < fieldCount; i++) {
s += col_delimiter + formatStr(sdr[i]);
s += row_delimiter;

return s.Trim();

[1] Pagination in SQL Server
[2] retrieve specific range of rows in a SQL Server table

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

PHP upload size limit

Default PHP upload size limit is 2MB. That's too small.

A place to change this limit is in php.ini. Change "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size" bigger should save it [1][2]. Another place to increase this is in .htaccess [2]. If PHP SOAP client gives "Error Fetching http headers" warning, then you need to increase default_socket_timeout in php.ini to fix it [3].

[1] Howto optimize your PHP installation to handle large file uploads
[2] PHP Increase Upload File Size Limit
[3] PHP SOAP client giving "Error Fetching http headers"

Friday, May 20, 2011

Blog Archive
