Thursday, December 20, 2012

MSSQL management

- Log file size can grow very large. So its max size should be set at the beginning.
- If a log file is already too large, need to shrink/trunk it: 1) right click -> properties -> options (set recovery mode to simple), 2) Tasks > Shrink > Database (specify size to shrink to, and do it), 3) right click -> properties -> options (set recovery mode to full).
- Set default memory usage: right click on instance, choose memory.
- Get size of tables. See here for example. Below command will show size of data, index, reserved and free.
  EXEC sp_spaceused [table name]

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gordon Moore - An inspiration

Gordon Moore co-funded Intel, is the author of the Moore's law, and with his wife endowed the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to support many higher education and research projects, including $3M to the one I'm working for right now.

He is an inspiration. This post is dedicated to him.

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