Thursday, May 20, 2010

Coin tossing

Coin tossing is a game form ancient time. Yet there are interesting issues related and research going on.

One example is to simulate an unbiased coin with a biased one. von Neumann gave a simple method: HT is counted as Head, TH is counted as Tail, HH and TT are discarded. This can have extension to be more efficient in the sense of needed less number of tosses per decision though, e.g., HHTT can be counted as Head, TTHH can be counted as Tail as well [2].

Search "biased coin toss" would give some interesting research papers on relevant issues. Some examples are:

[1] Optimal random number generation from a biased coin (2005)
[2] Tossing a Biased Coin
[3] Tree algorithm for unbiased coin tossing with a biased coin (1984)
[4] "Topic 5: random generation" from CSE 103: PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS -- Readings

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