Friday, December 17, 2010

Perl - count number of occurrences

The author wants to find out what's the fastest way of counting occurrences of a string in a text. e.g. '-' in “1-4-7-8-37-5-7-8-3-42″. He gives 5 ways of doing this:

1. my $size = (scalar(@{[$string =~ /-/g]}) + 1);
2. my $size = scalar(split /-/, $string);
3. my $size = (($string =~ s/-//g) + 1);
4. my $size = (($string =~ tr/-//) + 1);
5. my $size = 1; $size++ while $string =~ /-/g;

He found the speed to be 4, 3, 5, 1, 2 in the order of fastest to slowest on his machine.

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