Friday, May 6, 2011

More HTML5 and Javascript

- A list of javascript functions.
- HTML5 canvas - the basics
- Layering multiple canvases: good for avoiding over redrawing.
- Using Multiple HTML5 Canvases as Layers
- Layering Multiple Canvas Elements using JavaScript and EaselJS
- Understanding save() and restore() for the Canvas Context
- Canvas motion blur

- HTML/JavaScript - Select list - Add/Remove Options: DOM, Old school.
- innerHTML, innerText, textContent.
- Snippets: Howto Grey-Out The Screen
- jQuery: Grey out background and preview image as popup
- Javascript Create New Div HTML Element Dynamically
- Canvas tutorial - From Mozilla, a very good one.

- 10个让人眼花缭乱的HTML5和JavaScript效果
- 13 个强大的基于 HTML5 的 Web 应用
- 当设计师遭遇HTML5 - Good article
- HTML5 完胜 Flash 的 7 大特性
- HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
- Dive Into HTML5
- 10k Apart Contest

- Web audio in chrome
- Building better web apps with a new Chrome Beta

- 深入HTML5: HTML5 本地存储( Local Storage )的前世今生

Several HTML5 web app of my favorite:
- Keylight
- Blob
- FlowPower

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