Friday, February 17, 2012

Change forgotten postgresql root password

The root of postgresql is called 'postgres'. See details below:

Change forgotten PostgreSQL password

Some common postgresql commands:

- psql -l -- list all databases
- psql -U [user] -W -d testdb -- login using password

In psql shell:

- \l -- list all databases
- \du -- list users
- \c [database] -- switch to a database
- \dt -- list tables in a database
- \d [table] -- describe a table (\d+ does the same thing)
- \dv -- list views in a database

Check syntax: use "EXPLAIN". E.g.: EXPLAIN Select * from Table1

PostgreSQL ODBC driver (psqlODBC): Download here.

By default postgresql allows only local connection. To enable remote connection you need to change 2 configuration files [1]:
1) vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
add this line: host all account_name md5
2) vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
add this line: listen_addresses = '*'
Then you need to restart the postgresql server, similar to this:
sudo /sbin/service postgresql restart

[1] How Do I Enable remote access to PostgreSQL database server? [2] PostgreSQL SQL Syntax and Use

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